WhatsApp not available for BlackBerry 10 ?

WhatsApp which is a multi-platform messenger application reportedly not available in BlackBerry 10. As reported before, RIM is scheduled to introduce BlackBerry10 to the public on the 30th of January 2013. This news is reported from CrackBerry on Saturday (12/15/2012), which states that WhatsApp has no plans to support their application in BlackBerry 10 for now. As we know, the application is one of the most favorite applications that use BlackBerry users today.

WhatsApp for BlackBerry 10
WhatsApp reportedly is not available in BlackBerry 10

If the news is true, it looks like BlackBerry users will be a bit disappointed because it was not able to re-use applications that has many advantages. But do not be a worry, now RIM reportedly will presenting a multi-platform messenger application on their latest device, so that the dependence on WhatsApp can be resolved.

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