Singapore and South Korea are helping NSA to spy on Asia

Recent Snowden leaks reveal that the governments of Singapore and South Korea are actively helping NSA, the US military intelligence organization, to spy on Asia. According to leaks, Indonesia and Malaysia have been major targets for Australian intelligence and Singaporean intelligence. NSA calls the countries cooperating with it “Five Eyes”….

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Yahoo starts encrypting data due to NSA revelations

The search company Yahoo started encrypting all their data in the wake of the recent Edward Snowden leaks which showed that NSA was aggressively targeting internet giants like Google, Yahoo for the data of their users with no remorse. Companies like Google had encryption in many their services since a…

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Japan refused to help NSA wiretap asian internet

It turns out that NSA, the military intelligence organization in USA, asked Japanese Government to wiretap entire asian internet in 2001. They seem to have had spying against China in their minds. This would have given entire internet communications in asia into NSA’s hands. Luckily, Japanese government refused – their…

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